Goal setting shouldn’t be a once a year thing but rather, a never-ending process that is constantly reviewed, measured, and tweaked for optimized results. This New Year’s, I won’t be making sweeping resolutions that only last weeks before fizzing out. Instead, I intend to revisit some of my 2016 goals that weren’t realized and develop plans to optimize the momentum I created last year.
Here are the four areas that I know I can do better in:
Build the Awespitality Brand – Throughout 2016, I struggled to understand my USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This struggle created confusion amongst my customers and thus, opportunities that I would have been best suited for passed me by. In 2017, it’s clear that I am in the Awespitality business and as such, will focus my products and messaging around the design, production, and activation of custom Awespitality experiences (click here to learn more about Awespitality).
Balance Better – I have talked about life balance in past and pondered as to whether it was even possible. And 2016 showed me how out of balance my life was becoming. Work, life, health, and finances are all things that I consistently obsess about one day and disregard the next. I know that the only way to build a sustainable business and a healthy life is to create more balance in these areas, and I intend to refocus on these areas moving forward.
Get Outside My Comfort Zone – For the last 20 years, I have spent most weekends at a NASCAR event. I primarily socialize with NASCAR peeps and 95% of my business is within the NASCAR industry. Therefore, it’s time for me to step outside my comfort zone and apply my years of experience to other industries. I once had a customer tell me that I wasn’t qualified to build a college football mobile tour because we didn’t have any business outside of motorsports. What that person didn’t realize is the traveling circus that operates around a NASCAR event employs the most capable experiential pros available. Anyone who can design and operate a mobile experience capable of operating 38 weeks over a 42-week period, can host over a half million guests a year, and has the capability of traveling from coast to coast without breaking down can operate any mobile tour on the planet! It’s time that I put this 20+ years of carney knowledge to work in a new environment.
Help You – I have a loyal and dedicated audience of people that read these blogs, watch my videos, and continually interact with me on social media, but I want to do a better job of giving back. Last December, I was able to connect with a friend that I had previously only talked to over Snapchat and via one phone call. After seeing on social media that Chris was in Las Vegas at the same time I was made me excited to get together with him for breakfast. It was during this meeting of chance that I was able to share some insight on my entrepreneurial journey and help Chris as he started his freelance career. It is times like this that I realize how valuable the last 16 months have been and that there are people out there that would love to learn from me in new and different ways.
This could be a never-ending list of goals and aspirations but I feel four is a manageable number. This is something that I can commit to and measure my progress. I hope you are as excited about 2017 as I am and that you have your plan for maximizing its potential! Start to take action now!
PS – I am serious about helping, please reach out via email at Michael@Verlatti.com so we can connect.