Have you ever thought about your purpose? This is a question that a business coach asked me over 10 years ago and, ever since, I’ve been working to define.
All successful people are very clear on both their personal purpose and the purpose of the organizations around them. That clarity is what keeps them focused and, in turn, aligns them for success.
John F. Kennedy said, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
As I searched the internet looking for inspiration it was no surprise that Coca-Cola has a very clear and well defined purpose. These statements answer what values the company holds dear, who it wants to be and what needs to happen to reach its goal.
I believe that my purpose is to make a measurable difference in the lives of the people I surround myself with by inspiring them to achieve more then they think is possible. This blog helps me to live my purpose.
I encourage you to remember what football legend Vince Lombardi once said, “Success demands singleness of purpose.” In order to be successful, both personally as well as professionally, make sure are living your purpose each and every day.